Thursday, July 7, 2011

CREATE Arts Center & Docs in Progress

Recently CREATE was contacted by a local non-profit called Docs in Progress. Located in Silver Spring, their mission is to give individuals the tools to tell stories through documentary film to educate, inspire, and transform the way people view their world. Docs holds a summer camp to help shape the new generation of film makers and they select local businesses and organizations to create short films.

They contacted to CREATE and asked if a small group of their middle school students could visit our site and make a short documentary. They arrived last week to do a site visit, brainstorm ideas and to get a feel for our space. Then they returned the following day to begin filming. We met with Sam Hampton, Director of Operations, and he brought along 2 counselors and 3 campers - Julia Park, Chelsea Gracyalny, Diana Perez, Madeleine Tell, and Miranda Solomon. 

These ladies chose the shots for the film, along with the concept, operated both sound and video equipment and conducted interviews. All three staff members were interviewed and our campers were more than willing to share their art work too. 

It was a great experience collaborating with another non-profit and we learned a lot about Docs in Progress during our time together. There will be a Film Festival held at the Silver Spring Civic Center on July 28th, where this film and many more will be screened. More information to follow. 

A big “thanks” to the folks at Docs for choosing CREATE and for being such a blast to work with!